A Short Story About Act of Kindness

A Short Story About Act of Kindness

Kindness is the conscious act of engaging others in a positive way without asking whether those individuals deserve to be treated kindly. Sharing kindness with others is one of the simplest ways to change the world. Acts of kindness will totally change who we are now. We can simply do these acts of kindness anytime and anywhere without asking for rewards. Helping strangers that you do not know is one of the acts of kindness that everyone can do. To make the world a better place by doing random acts of kindness to others. It is something everyone can do such as smiling to others. By spreading the kindness, we will be a better person and others will act the same as we do. Mr. Adam is an accountant. All of his neighbours know his character as someone who has a cold heart and arrogant. He does not like to interact with people. Every morning, he will use the elevator of his apartment to get to his workplace. Suddenly, he saw Mrs. Emily running towards him and said wait for me. But,Mr. Adam ignored her and pretending like he didn’t hear and see her. She was very upset because Mr. Adam didn't wait for her. He just went to his workplace without feeling guilty about what he did.

            On his way to work, Mr Adam walked in front of a park and met a girl. The girl is playing with her balloon. While the girl was playing, the balloon escaped from the grip of his hand and flew. The ball flies to Adam's side but he ignores the balloon. Mr. Adam just let the balloon fly without any sense of guilt.

            Continuing his way to work , he caught a glimpse on a moving trolly while a man was unloading it into his car just up the road ahead. However, his ego does not permit him to even help the man catching the moving trolly and decided to ignore it and continue walking down the road. He then come across a volunteer handing out some sort of brochure to nearby pedestrian. He still decided to ignore it and continue his walk to work.

            At a pedestrian, he stop at traffic light and suddenly an old woman came and grab his hand to help her to cross the road. He was very shock but he ignore it. Then he continue walking to cross the road but the old woman walk very slow so he need to slow down his step. Suddenly traffic light colour change to red that mean people need to stop and wait until traffic light turn to green to cross the road but they not reach at the end of the road and a car came with high speed and nearly hit them. He try to stop the car using his own hand as a signal to stop. Then, the car stop immediately after he do the signal.

            After the incident of helping the old woman at the traffic light, Mr. Adam started to change his behaviour and attitude. The old woman thanked him for helping and the old woman rub his cheek gently like her own children which is doing it will full of love. He then started to realise that being nice helping people does not enquire you to give money or something you cannot afford to do it as an exchange. Being nice and spread kindness to strangers are free of charge. Making others happy will definitely bring a better and healthy life instead. From the video given, we can conclude that Mr. Adam helped all the strangers on the street nicely and genuinely without asking for something in return. That video shows that, helping others out would bring them joy and a smile on their face, including a happy soul for the people who help out.

            Finally, research shows that being kind to others can actually make us genuinely happy in a number of different ways. We know that deciding to be generous or cooperating with others activates an area of the brain called the striatum. Interestingly, this area responds to things we find rewarding, such as nice food and even addictive drugs. The feel-good emotion from helping has been termed “warm glow” and the activity we see in the striatum is the likely biological basis of that feeling.Of course, you don’t have to scan brains to see that kindness has this kind of benefit. Research in psychology shows a link between kindness and well-being throughout life, starting at a very young age. In fact, even just reflecting on having been kind in the past may be enough to improve teenagers’ mood. Research has also shown that spending extra money on other people may be more powerful in increasing happiness than spending it on yourself.


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