Malaysia is one of the country that are rich with variety types of delicious fruits. All local fruits in Malaysia contains different type of nutrition and most of it can cure people health problem. The fruits look much fresher and the colour of fruits always bloom as it does not contain any chemical or preservatives. Besides, we can easily find local fruits around us in Malaysia also, the price is way more cheaper than imported fruits.  There are 5 famous local fruits in Malaysia.

Image result for durian Image result for durian

1. One of the most attractive local fruits in Malaysia is durian . Durian is famous for the title "King of Fruit". It has a thorny skin and this fruit produces a strong scent of aroma. Its shape is different from oval to round, its skin colour are from green to brown, and its contents are pale yellow to red, depending on the species we choose . There are various durian nutrients , among the benefits is that it can prevent the depression of a person because it contains high Vitamin B6 content and treat anemia from the folate, copper and iron elements found in durian fruit.

Durian can bloom and bear fruit once or twice a year, depending on species, cultivars and locations. This tree can usually bear and produce fruits after 4-5 years of plantation. In addition to being eaten, durians can also be used to give a taste to various types of sweets such as mixed mushrooms, porridge, dodol and jam. In modern food is ice cream, moon cake, cappuccino and gourmet milk. Durian can be cured into lumps and 'tempoyak' which is a traditional Malay food. This special fruit contains high sugar, vitamin C, potassium and tryptophan of serotoninergic amino acids and is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Image result for mangosteenImage result for mangosteen

2. Besides the king of fruit Malaysia which is durian, mangosteen is entitled as Malaysia’s queen of fruits and it is one of the most high demand fruits in the market. Mangosteen have a unique and magnificent taste which includes sweet and slightly sour taste. It is also can be found during the durian season and can be eaten during the durian fest for a lot cheaper price for RM4.50 per kilograms. The top part of mangosteen is most likely seen like a crown, with purplish-red body colour , rough leathery texture skin and white edible flesh sweet fruit in the inside. People common says that, the more shoddy and imperfect outer skin of a mangosteen is the most perfect taste of the fruit.
Mangosteen have its own benefits which has been one of the traditional medicine of various Asian country in the past. There are few health benefits of mangosteen which includes prevention of cancer, low calories to prevent overweight, rich in vitamin C and contains about 12% RDA per 100g can act against flu and develop new cells in the body and improve blood flow by dilation of blood vessels helps to protect against atherosclerosis disease, high cholesterol, heart congestion and severe chest pains.

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3. Rambutan is one of the famous local fruits in Malaysia. It tastes very sweet and acidic. The bright red coloured skin will get your attention easily. The benefit of eating rambutan is it contains various nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. Rambutan is a hairy fruit. The fruit turns red once it ripe.Rambutan is rich in vitamin c. Research reportedly discovered that the fruit contains effective antioxidants. The rambutan has been used in the treatment of diabetes. Rambutan is rich in manganese , zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium. These fruits are also low in calories at 75 grams per 100 grams of fruit. For those who trying to lose weight, these fruits can be a great option to eat. There are many benefits as it will improve weight loss effort. Rambutan is a close relative of lychee. Rambutan grows in clusters on large trees native to tropical Malaysia. To open the rambutan, twist it with both hands. 

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4.On top of that, one of the most popular fruit in Malaysia is Jackfruit. Jackfruit is known for its sweet fruity flavour, unique shape and its enormous size. This fruit is native to South Asia especially in Malaysia. This tree can be seen in a lot of towns and villages in Malaysia as it is fairly easy to be grown. It’s also served in many stalls by the road sides and is available throughout the year.

Jackfruit interior had its white core surrounded by yellow egg shaped pulp and has rather strong odour when its ripe. It is slightly chewy and tasty but the jackfruit is arguably one of the best fruit you can find in Malaysia and is easily obtainable throughout the country. 

Image result for jambu air Image result for jambu air

5. Watery rose apple or commonly known as 'jambu air' or scientificly known as syzygium aquem. It's shape looks like a bell shape. It has a very sweet taste and crunchy when it's ripe.It has been said that the reddest and sweetest water apple come from Sekinchan, a small fishing village located in Sabak Bernam,Selangor. Water apples usually have two fruiting seasons per year, May to September and November to March. Watery rose apple can improve digestion , protect against diabetes , prevent cancer and many more. This watery rose  apple contain some beneficial organic compounds which include friedelolactone , jambosine and betulinic acid that can treat fungal infection on the skin.

Image result for eat fruits quotes

By: AA102
Nurul Zafirah


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