GIF SENARIO : When someone you really trust , betray you.

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     In the summer break four years ago, when I was fourteen years old, I had a bestfriend name Jackie (not a real name of her) who I really trust and love so much. She was a loving, beautiful , kind-hearted and a bespectacled girls who loves singing so much. We share our problem, stories and anything in this entire world you would share, she's there ! A good listener I can say. We would rather call and text each other at 4 o'clock in the morning telling that one of us can't sleep or if we dreamt something bad and our story telling begins until we are up ready for school in the morning. She never ignore me in highschool. There was one time when there was a boy in school who bullied me, she was there saving my life and scolded the boy for bullying her 'bestfriend' she said. I enjoy and appreciate every single moment we went through together. In school, we were not in the same class as I was in the first class and she is in the second class. We were glad that our class was just a next to each other. Every single day, we will not missed having recess together and wait for each other outside our class when the bell rang means that school was over. 

    Time past by, five years of friendship had been a roller coaster ride for us. We were getting mature and our friendship grows each day. One day , I have a feelings and gesture of something weird might happen. My heart was not in the right place at the moment, my tears falls like a heavy rain and my body became weak out of a sudden when I saw she was in the hall with my enemy. Talking , laughing and enjoying their drink together without feeling that I would see the scene happened in public. I was shocked and I asked to myself "why is she here? did she told me before that she also hates her of her bad attitude towards me. oh my god!?" . Out of a sudden, I accidentally heard their conversation where when I was standing behind the brick pole. I was shocked for the second time for what have happened to me. She was talking bad of me and shares every single details she knows about me to the enemy called Syada. It was a very heartbreaking moment when the person you trust so much would did that to you, a friend where you called a 'bestfriend' or a sister would be very mean and took agressive action towards you . 

   After the class ended, I couldn’t stop thinking about what she did. It was my first time ever to see her with our enemy.  Me and Syada are always hated each other. She always thinks that she is better than me. We fought a lot during last summer. I cried when I found out she was talking bad about me and also sharing our secrets with someone else. Syada is in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend. That is why she hates me so much. The next morning, I was having my breakfast before going to school. Suddenly, a message popped out. It was Jackie. She would text me in the morning every single time. It’s normal for both of us to text in the morning. But somehow I didn’t text her back. The feelings are back. I am still shocked about what had happened. The person that I trust betrayed me. My final examination is near so I focused on my studying and just ignore Jackie. When I arrived at school, I saw Jackie coming towards me. I put a little smile on my face and act like nothing happened. We hanged out and eat lunch together. A few weeks later, she was suddenly acted like a different person. She asked me that someone saw me and her boyfriend hanged with each other last week.  I said we were just friends and only hang out to discuss about our assignments. I realized that she blocked on the social media and contacts. Starting from that moment, me and her have not communicate to each other anymore and she love making bad assumption towards me.

     Personally for me , trustworthiness is important in any relationship. If you can’t trust a friend, you can’t really be a real friend. I don’t remember if I ever told anyone a secret but that’s not the only way to lose trust in a person. If a friend pretends to be a friend but still doesn’t have any respect for you, you can’t confide in that person with anything. The risk can be that the person tells the other friend what you have told your friend. So you keep things to yourself instead. Once you lose trust in a person it’s difficult to get it back. Sometimes it’s lost for good. It’s better to find new friends than trying to get the trust back. I’m happy I didn’t need to have these people in my life.I change to other school so I didn’t see the old fake friends anymore. I haven’t had any problems like this in my adult life. I just more careful when it comes to friendships.

    Being betrayed by your "friends" much more painful than being betrayed by your enemy. Fake friends also would not hesitate to betray you at any given moment should the need arise. They will criticize you for anything you do and will put you down because they are envious of you and your achievement and your possesion, they will laugh behind you, they'll forget about you around more 'popular' friends, they'll ignores you when hanging out with group of people. Well , you might ask "is that all that a fake friends capable of ?" No, they are far worse and above all they should be avoided. There are obviously someone out there who cares much more than these people do. They are called real friends. Friends who will never abandon you when you need the most.

     One good thing about going through the worst parts of my life, is that I finally got the chance to see the true colour of everyone who said they cared for me. "Your biggest hater could be your closest friend". People pretend well. So the conclusion is choose a friend wisely because some of them maybe can be a real true friends who enjoy, laugh and stick around together in all circumstances or maybe can be my fake friend that stabbing my back, talk bad things about me to other people or utilize me for their own benefit. Choose friends who are dependable, honest and reciprocate kindness and not just stick with me when fun only. Good friends allow me to experience life appropriately but fake friends give me a lesson to not easy to trust someone to share my problems or any secret.

      Lastly, I still remember the panic that I went when I finally realized that some of my friends just "wear it until they make it." I may have gone into isolation from them for a good week until I waved my white flag and surrendered myself to their every need. The most you can do is realize and understand your true friends and make them survive. Choose the important person in your life, and make a preference for the upcoming and forthcoming person. Focus on yourself, and surround yourself with those who make you happy and receive you for your true self. Also, do not blame the good people for fake friends. Some people just need more time to open or trust others, and that may seem fake to people who are generally really open about their lives. You need to give people time to get comfort among new friends, and then your "fake" friends may be real.

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BY AA102 :
  5. ALIA
  6. AQIB


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